German Princess Xenia Florence Gabriela Sophie Iris Becomes Playboy Model, Feels She Gets Ancestral Blessing

xenia florence gabriela sophie iris

Know Your Idol – The latest appearance of Xenia Florence Gabriela Sophie Iris, Princess of Saxony from Germany, makes your eyes widen. The reason is, he appeared as a model for the adult magazine Playboy. She was the first royal to pose for Playboy, Her appearance on the cover of this magazine is no joke. She appeared completely naked, exposing part of her breasts (sorry), while the rest of her body was covered with a white sheet.

People also noted that the inside of the magazine is no less bold than the cover. In another photo, the 37-year-old German princess is not wearing a single thread, and covers part of her body with a sheet, or wears a transparent skirt. In the interview column, Xenia hopes that her family can at least tolerate her decision. However, she felt sure that her ancestor, German King Friedrich August III, approved of her appearing in Playboy.

For the record, Germany ended its monarchy system in 1918, and does not have an active royal family. Page Six reported that Xenia revealed an important message behind her decision to become a model for Playboy magazine. She wants every woman to feel beautiful and accept herself as she is.

“You don’t have to follow trends or undergo surgery just to please someone,” he said.

She added, “I have stretch marks and I’m proud to show them.” Xenia herself is known in her country as a TV star. Currently he appears on the show B:Real – Real Celebrities, Real Life. This has something to do with the message he wants to convey at this event.

“In some reality shows, I’m the only one who doesn’t do anything to my body,” he said.

Xenia stated that she had to fight negative comments towards her because of her body.

“Other women, some of whom have had multiple operations, say I don’t compete with them because I don’t have curves and am not feminine,” she said.

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