Kanye West Reveals Why Hollywood Artists Are Afraid to Openly Support Palestine

Know Your Idol – The voice of the world is now being divided into two. Many support Israel’s actions, stating that they responded to the Hamas attack on October 7 as self-protection. However, there are quite a few pro-Palestinians who support ending the war and Palestinian independence. Apart from the humanitarian side, the voices of influential Hollywood artists and actors are also in the spotlight of world citizens. There are those who openly defend Israel; such as Amy Schumer, Gal Gadot and Madonna. There are also those who loudly defend Palestine; such as the Hadid sisters Bela and Gigi, Kehlani and Angelina Jolie. Even so, many more artists and actors choose to remain silent and not get involved in one side or another.
This was also revealed by rapper and entrepreneur Kanye West. In his latest interview with Cuomo Newsnation, with host Chris Cuomo, he revealed why many artists and actors choose to keep their mouths shut about the Israel-Hamas war. In the interview video circulating, Kanye is seen in a moving car. “I’m going to finish what I said,” said Kanye. “Bro, that’s not how it works. So, every celebrity, there is a Jew who holds their contract. This is not hate-speech, this is the truth. So these people (celebrities), if they speak outside the agenda that has been is determined, then their career will be over,” Kanye said clearly.
When the presenter was seen trying to interrupt his words, Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband said “With all due respect, please don’t interrupt me yet. I’m not finished talking,” he continued. “People, my people have to hear this. They have to hear this truth out loud. There are many people and Hollywood actors, basketball players, sportsmen, musicians who definitely understand what I’m saying,” he continued. This certainly made social media netizens shocked but amazed by Kanye’s courage to reveal this.
Kanye West, in his always clear statements, has indeed said that he doesn’t like Jews. As is known, some time ago, Kanye West was criticized for his anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israeli Jews. The most controversial thing was when he said that he admired and liked Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader who genocided the Jews during the second world war. Kanye even denied the Holocaust (the massacre of Jews) when he appeared on Alex Jones’ podcast last year.